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2024 Finalist

Honest Game

Honest Game is the only automated system that empowers school staff, students and their families to unlock equity to college athletic opportunities like experts.

A coach and student athlete at Rocky River High School use Honest Game to track college eligibility.

The Story of 2024 Finalist Honest Game

Empowering Student Athletes to Achieve Their Dreams

When Kim Michelson and Joyce Anderson first met, they didn’t intend to build a college access venture—they simply wanted to solve a critical problem they witnessed everyday. As former student-athletes now working in education, athletics, and coaching, Michelson and Anderson believed in the transformative power of sports, but continually saw the challenges young people faced in navigating the complex path to college athletic eligibility.

At the heart of the problem was the lack of guidance and support for high school student-athletes as they worked to meet the academic eligibility requirements for college sports. “Academic eligibility, while essential, was a broken process for high school student-athletes,” says Michelson. “There was no navigation, no guide for high school administrators. It was almost like getting into a car without a steering wheel.”

Anderson, who had worked as a college athletics advisor, saw firsthand how students were failing to meet eligibility year after year, despite being offered scholarships. “There were so many kids who didn’t have an adult in their immediate circle helping them navigate the process, it was usually somebody at school who was giving them the inspiration or the guidance that they needed,” she says.

Recognizing the need for a more personalized and efficient approach, Michelson and Anderson partnered to create Honest Game, a software and services platform that helps students, parents, coaches, and school counselors navigate the complex world of college athletic academic eligibility and recruiting. By providing real-time data, strategic guidance, and transparent communication, Honest Game aims to increase learning outcomes and unlock opportunities for student-athletes.

“It’s not about getting them to the pros,” says Anderson. “This is about ensuring that they could take their education to the next level and also participate in sports and qualify for scholarships.” Academic eligibility is a college readiness benchmark for every high school student.

Since launching in 2020, Honest Game has gotten a resounding response, partnering with major school districts like Chicago Public Schools, Cincinnati Public Schools, Collier County Public Schools, and Cleveland Public Schools. The founders attribute their success to a deep understanding of the challenges faced by their target audience, as well as a commitment to responsive customer service and a collaborative, team-based approach.

Looking to the future, Michelson and Anderson are excited to continue expanding Honest Game’s reach and impact. “Our goal, in the end, is increased learning outcomes,” says Anderson. “If you don’t play sports in college, at least your grades were better, at least you had short-term goals, you were motivated by something.”

With their passion, expertise, and unwavering dedication to empowering student-athletes, Michelson and Anderson are poised to transform the landscape of college athletic opportunities —and unlock new possibilities for young people across the country.